Hi, I’m Marcy!

I was born into a family of inventors and knew since childhood that inventing was my calling.  (Fun fact...my Great Grandfather invented the delay mechanism for the bomb in World WarI!) But it wasn’t until 2010, when I became the winner of Kelly Ripa’s invention reality show, “Homemade Millionaire,” and then Edison Nation’s “As Seen on TV” Product Search,” that I decided to make a career of inventing.

Today, my 30+ products have been sold everywhere from QVC to Lowes, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sharper Image, and The Container Store. And currently, I have a partnership with the home shopping powerhouse, HSN, where I develop and sell my proprietary Home & Travel product line “Beautifully Organized by Marcy McKenna.”  

It all sounds so easy, doesn't it?! It wasn't. Not in the slightest! 




  I remember when I first started out in the inventing world, I knew nothing. Nada! I had a good idea for a product, a laptop computer and a Google search bar. 

Determined to figure out how to turn my good idea into a money-making product, I buried myself in the computer trying to learn everything I possibly could about inventing. I reached out to companies that I thought could help me, but quickly found that no one would take me seriously.  I seldom got a call back, let alone a meeting. After all, I was a stay-at-home mom with three little kids and was definitely boot strapping it!  

I remember being tempted to scrape together enough money to hire an invention submission company, but was too scared that they might steal my idea, and I had heard too many horror stories about people being taken for thousands of dollars—neither of which I was willing to risk!  

So, I basically put on my big girl pants and mustered all the grit and determination I had to figure it out on my own. Let me tell you, I made a LOT of mistakes, and I wanted to throw in the towel more times than I can count. It was incredibly scary trying to do it all by myself--never knowing what information I could trust or which people had my best interest at heart, and which ones only wanted my money. 

Trial and error became a way of life—and that strategy cost me more time and money than I care to remember.  Many people doubted me...not the least of who was myself. 

During one of my darker days, I made a commitment that if I ever had success as an inventor, I would share everything I learned along the way with as many people as I possibly could, in hopes that their journey might be a little smoother and a lot more fun than mine.   

As I began to find success, that commitment became more and more real, and my vision for what that would look like began to take shape in my mind. I dreamed of creating a central “hub” of sorts for ambitious people who have innovative product ideas, but don’t know where to begin. It would be a safe haven that they could trust, with highly vetted top tier information, tools and resources that they could turn to every step of the way as they followed their dream of bringing their idea to life. And perhaps most importantly, it would also be a tight knit community of like-minded people eager to share ideas, to help each other, to provide accountability and to support one another through the challenges, while also celebrating the successes.  It would be a place where the feelings of fear and loneliness would melt away, and where inventing a product would become fun and exciting.  A place where having instant access to trusted, real-world knowledge, tools and resources would decrease the time to market and exponentially  increase the chance of product success.  

Welcome to THE INVENTORS HUB. I’m so glad you’re here! 

Letā€™s get startedā€¦

Marcy's Products
have been seen in...


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